Presale Starts 4/8/2024 12:00UTC

Min .1 SOL / .0055 BASE – Max 5 SOL / .2768 BASE

All funds below or over will be refunded to owner!

Solana Presale Address: BwBrEErbB7Sd89SSNwWWo1zBn3cvvaygjxAxuMUvKBE3

Base Presale Address: 0xb998eD05D87F18c4544A41d333ee13CB71F82dd1

Bonus multiplier INVESTING in presale, ask how on X!

  1. 10% of tokens will go to Buy Back and Burn. When tokens are sold we will use this feature to keep the chart healthy and moving in the right direction.
  2. 30% of tokens will go for CEX’s/Giveaways.
  3. 10% of tokens will go to marketing for one of the strongest marketing campaign in DeFi.
  4. 50% of tokens will go for Presale.

Pepstein’s Island is a community coin with no intrinsic value or expectation of financial return. There is no formal team or roadmap.